Henry Naha
Dawa / Sun
9" H
with 1 1/4" base
According to Barton Wright,
"the Sun Kachina [Dawa] is a representation of the spirit
of the Sun, though on occasion be called the Sun Shield Kachina.
He appears in a role very similar to that of the Nakiachop or
Talavai, standing to the side with a spruce tree in his left
hand and a bell in his right.
Also, he may appear in a Mixed
Dance with the flute in his left hand that is associated with
him in many myths. He is not often personated."
- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi
Artist's Documentary (124)
Henry Naha is a well known carver
who specializes in detailed carvings.
Henry is of the Spider and
Lizard clans, and signs his dolls with his clan hallmark followed
by "H. Naha." His Navajo last name is Attakai, but
he takes the name of Naha as a result of his Hopi adoption and
cultural heritage.
He was taught be one of the
masters - Cecil Calnimptewa, who is his Hopi godfather; and was
the husband of Avonne Naha Attakai, also a talented carver.
He has been an active carver
for over 20 years and learned from others such as Denis Tewa
and Joseph Dallas.
Henry has really established
himself as a top-tier kachina carver.
His figures always have an
excellent stance and pose...which suggest great strength and
pride. The body proportions are perfect and the Kachina has well
defined musculature. The hands are extremely well carved with
detailed fingers and fingernails.